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Café Style Shutters

For plenty of light with lots of privacy, choose café style shutters.

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Learn more about our café style shutters

Continental café style shutters give you the privacy you need without blocking all the light.

Looking for a subtler shutter style? Café style shutters cover just the bottom half of your window, giving your home a continental, contemporary feel that’ll remind you of European city breaks. 

These shutters are practical too. They keep prying eyes out while letting lots of sunlight in, which makes them ideal for bay windows, windows at the front of the house, and rooms on street level - especially bedrooms and living rooms. And when you’re not so worried about privacy, just adjust the louvres to make your room even brighter. 

To soften the style or to add a bit more privacy, you can even pair café style shutters with a roman blind. For more on our shutters, take a look at our shutter materials or book in for a free home visit.

Cafe Style Shutters Nottingham

Why choose café style shutters?

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Images of our cafe style shutter range

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